Suba Devan and his dutiful wife Kamalavati went to Chidambaram and eagerly prayed to the Lord Nataraja(a form of Shiva) for a son. The Lord granted their wish. Soon the queen conceived and the day of delivery arrived.
Astrologers foretold that if the child could be delivered a few minutes later, it would rule the three worlds.
Hearing this the queen asked that she should be tied to the roof of the room upside down, with a tight bandage around her waist. When the auspicious time came, she was released and the child was born. The child had red eyes as he had remained in his mother’s womb a little longer. The mother, looking into the babies red eyes and said Kochengkannano.(in Tamil ko=king, cheng=red, kan=eyes), which literally means king with red eyes, and expired. Thus, he was named Kochengat Cholan. When he reached the proper age, his father enthroned him king, retired from the world and, after severe penance, reached the Lord’s Abode.
Kochengat Cholan promoted Saivism. In Tiruanaika he built a beautiful temple and installed the Siva Lingam under the same Jambu tree. In Chola Nadu he built many shrines and mansions for the use of shiva’s devotees.
He provided houses and agri lands to the three thousand Brahmins(Learned People) of Tillai for regular worship at the Chidambaram temple Due to Which His Fame Spread in Three Worlds.
Finally he reached the Lord’s Abode.
Astrologers foretold that if the child could be delivered a few minutes later, it would rule the three worlds.
Hearing this the queen asked that she should be tied to the roof of the room upside down, with a tight bandage around her waist. When the auspicious time came, she was released and the child was born. The child had red eyes as he had remained in his mother’s womb a little longer. The mother, looking into the babies red eyes and said Kochengkannano.(in Tamil ko=king, cheng=red, kan=eyes), which literally means king with red eyes, and expired. Thus, he was named Kochengat Cholan. When he reached the proper age, his father enthroned him king, retired from the world and, after severe penance, reached the Lord’s Abode.
Kochengat Cholan promoted Saivism. In Tiruanaika he built a beautiful temple and installed the Siva Lingam under the same Jambu tree. In Chola Nadu he built many shrines and mansions for the use of shiva’s devotees.
He provided houses and agri lands to the three thousand Brahmins(Learned People) of Tillai for regular worship at the Chidambaram temple Due to Which His Fame Spread in Three Worlds.
Finally he reached the Lord’s Abode.