
Sunday, 8 October 2023




*** Definition of God by the great telugu poet POTANA :: “ Lokambulu Lokeshulu Lokasthulu tegina tudi nalokambagu penjeekati kavvala Nevvadu ekakruti velugu nantine bhajiyumtum “ ***

The meaning is ::

Lokambulu = worlds

Lokeshulu = Rulers for all the worlds

Lokasthulu = residents of the worlds

Tegina tudi nalokambagu = when befall and who

Penjeekati = darkness ( blackhole )

Kavvala Nevvadu ekakruti velugu nantine = who would be residing beyond the blackhole and will be shining forever

Bhajiyumtum = I pray to Him

** When all the worlds , their rulers and beings cease to exist, the one who would still remain and would be shining as a bright light, even beyond the blackhole, I pray / bow to Him ! **